Hooves (Biotin-deficiency)

Every horse owner is familiar with this term, but what does it actually mean? It is well known that hooves are important to all horses (both for recreation as for competition). But how do we keep them healthy? It is often thought that the farrier is the most important caregiver but nothing is less true. Of course it is very important that the farrier pays a regular visit to your horse, even if  the horse has no irons. The hooves should get the highest priority because they are an essential part of the horse's body. It is the responsibility of the owner or rider to take good care of the horse.

Good care of the hooves starts with good exercise. 

Because of the different moves (step, trot, gallop), the hoof will be alternately loaded and unloaded. Because of this, the hoof will continually change shape. This is possible beacuse of the elastic parts of the hoof. This property is very important because it stimulates the blood flow of the hoof. Water and fet have a big influence on the elasticity of the horn; should the part of water and fet be reduced, there might be a big chance that the horn will become too hard. This might cause the crumbling and shriveling of the hoof.  

Risks of bad hoof health.
When there is to little attention fort he hoof health, it may cause an irregular wear of the hoof. This might cause a different position of the lower foot which will enlarge the problem many times, think of lameness! In case you should not have owned the horse as from a young age, then this kind of problem might already have been present without your knowledge. It is always sensible to bring a hoof specialist should you consider to buy a horse. It is difficult to notice any defects on the hooves at a horse that wears irons. A specilalist can analyse the situation by carry out a thermografic investigation.

Whether or not to use irons is a discussion that takes place in many stables.  There is something to say for both choices. A horse that rarely walks on the paved road  should be able to just walk on ‘bare feet’, the wear of the hooves will be reduced to a minimum. In case of other demands to the horse that will walk a lot on the public road, it is advisable to place irons. Whatever choice you will make, besides a good farrier, daily hoof care is of great importance!

Scratching out of the hooves.
Especially at riding schools we see that the scratching out of the hooves takes place quickly just before the riding. Dealing with such a large animal can be quite anxious for many riders.  They are happy that the horse is standing on its legs again so they can continue with the next leg quickly. However, it is very important to practise this process carefully. The scratching out needs to be done quietly, not to rough and no dirt or stones should remain. When the scratching out is being done to rough and careless, the hoof sole will be affected too much causing a sensibility to wounds.

Deficiency of Biotin.
A deficiency of biotin in the feed can lead to poor growth or the crumbling or bursting of the hoof. Biotin is a part of Vitamin B and by adding this additionally, the hoof structure will be improved.  In addition to the external care of the hoof like scratching and the use of Hoof Oil Gel, support from the inside is essential. Biozin contains Biotin and  zinc and can be added to the normal feed.

Biozin supports the structure of the hoof horn and ensures a goods shape of the hooves.  Horses will love it because it tastes like apple. 


Improves the health of the hooves of the horse

Additional animal feed for horses. Biozin supports the structure of the hoof horn and ensures a good growth and shaping of the hooves. Biozin also supports a shiny coat and a healthy skin. Biozin is well absorbed because of the apple taste.

The ideal combination of Biotin, 
Zinc and Methionine bundled  in one product.