Match riding

As a horse rider you need to be in good shape but if your horse is not in a good condition, you will not be able to win the game. A good, decent build-up of the condition of your horse is a must. To build up condition, you need to train your horse and  also provide it with Equi Turbo Muscle Stimulans.  Equi Turbo Muscle Stimulans is no doping, however it will contribute to the muscle formation which will make your horse grow stronger and stronger. After 2 to 4 weeks you may expect a visible result. But then, the game is approaching and you have done all you can to become the winner. Weather it is regarding jumping, dressage of whatever kind of equestrian sport, you want your horse to give its best to win the game. This is one of the reasons why Vitasporal Horse has been developed. Vitasporal Horse can provide the necessary extra so your horse can finish as a champion. “A good, decent build-up of the condition is a must!”

Improves the concentration, contributes to a normal muscular activity and supports the energy metabolism. Equi magnesium citraat is an important mineral for the muscle- and nervous system, the bones, the water- and energy management and metabolism.   

Magnesium is necessary for the absorption of calcium in the bones and prevents the accumulation of calcium in other tissues. Magnesium is especially good for competition horses who suffer from stress.

Unique to our Equi Magnesium citraat is that it contents locust bean gum, the horse equivalent of chocolate! Because of its delicious taste the horses will eat it quickly!

EQUI TURBO (for muscle building)
The top product for the muscle building of horses. It stimulates the muscle growth and –building  in a natural way and it will improve the performances of the horse. The cultivated algae species in the Equi Turbo is highly rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids to develop and protect the muscles. Equi Turbo also contains a.o. extra added vitamine E, Selenium and Lysine.

Excellent for:

• Young horses in development
• Performance horses (sport- and workhorses)

Vitasporal Horse is a combination of carefully chosen components that are being released slowly.  It also contains essential B-Carotene and Iron. By using Vitasporal Horse your horse will be able to perform in both a mental as in a physical way. The ingredients in Vitasporal Horse will be used as fuel, especially in the muscles during the efforts. The oils and fats have been added in order to bring out a burst of energy to the horse that has been provided with Vitasporal Horse.

Vitasporal Horse will take care of a sprint boost at the right moment.

Vitasporal Horse comes in an easy to handle syringe that makes it easy to provide the product to your horse.

When to provide:
In the evening before the competition day and in the evening after the competition day.

Amount to provide:
1 injector Vitasporal Horse per horse/pony.